
Kernel Sentence Framework, Landmark

Single Paragraph, organizer, Landmark

Paragraph Template, Landmark


Student Generated Descriptive Language Bank, template, Landmark

Opposing Topic Diamante Poem Template, Landmark
Using diamante poems, which follow a specific,structured format, students utilize different parts of speech to create a poem on any given topic or opposing topics. When students have completed their poems, they can share them with the class.What is a diamante poem? A diamante poem is a poem in the shape of a diamond. Rhyming is not necessary but each line requires a specific type of word like adjectives and –ing words. Diamante poems can be about one topic or about two opposite topics.

"Critical proofreading, or critical thought, relies on a fairly well-developed metacognitive
ability which many students with language-based learning disabilities lack. The language
demands involved in applying information and critically evaluating situations presents a
challenge to students who lack fluent language skills." -J. Gudaitis Tarricone
Proof Reading, Landmark